Monday 2 September 2013

Phra Pitda - (DREAM MAKER) Luang Phor Tim Wat Lahanrai.BE 2514

Mint CONDITION example of this Luang Phor Tim Pitda amulet.

Because of his reputation many other temples had asked Luang Phor Tim to help create various series of sacred amulets, including this amulet. Actually the amulet was made and blessed by Luang Phor Tim, but released from Wat Nong Ka Nam, Chonburi in BE 2514.

This is one pitda amulet one we can highly recommend. It is as good as any other Luang Phor Tim amulet in fact most experts believe that this pim is imbued with EXTREME sacerd power.

Blessed at Wat Nong Ka Nam, Chonburi in BE 2515. The amulet is made up of many sacred powders but in particular Luang phor Tim's Pong Plaai Guman and Pong Wisayt. These powders were collected by Luang Dtaa Baang, the abbot of the temple. He was joined in BE 2515 by Luang Phor Tim to co-bless the amulets.

The sacred powders are believed to provide the worshipper with multiple blessings. For example the Pong Mang offers the power (aanupaap) of Kong Grapan Chadtree or invulnerability through invisibilty (gambang gaai) to our enemies, Pong Maharaat for charm (Sanay), Pong Putakun for protection against black magic (ku na sai), Pong Dtree enhances the power of the amulet significantly (Aanupaap Saksit) and also makes us more perceptive to telepathy (Gra Sae-Jit) This amulet is known as the ''dream maker'' as it is reportedly makes wishes a reality. Pong It-ti-jay for Compassion and mercy (Mayt Dtaa).

It is also widely reported that if a girl consumes even the smallest quantity of powder from this amulet she will fall in love, her every thought of you. However be warned LP Tim it is said also cast a hex for those who use such power inappropriately. This was reported in the Kormoon Jak journal (issue 93) by Khun Pianwít Jaarútti-Dti.

Luang Dtaa Baang consulted with Luang Phor Tim about the creation of these amulets from copnception and the very reason that he was able to obtain such large quantities of sacred powder from Wat Lahanrai. In fact once the amulets were finished Lunag Phor Tim blessed them day and night on his own for three consecutive months. Essentially as these contain KP Tims powders, made under guidance from LP Tim and then blessed by Luang Phor Tim at Wat Lahanrai for an extended period, they are for all intensive purposes, Luang Phor Tim, Wat Lahanrai pims.

Enquiries Please sms me 0196609998 or pm me.Thank You.

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